With this Fear and Uncertainty Comes Coronaphobia

We have all been affected by corona virus in one form or another. It is dominating our lives. There is little or any other news on the television, little else to read in the newspapers and it is the first thing we talk about when we meet friends and family. One day there will be a vaccine for CV19 which will make the chances of getting the virus slim to zero and we can go back to talking about the weather.

What we are not talking about so much is how this makes us feel. Many of us have become anxious or even phobic. If you are one of those torturing yourself with “what if” thoughts, please, do the bravest thing and ask for help. Friends and family are there to support us but there are also professional therapists who can help to make positive life changes. Relieving tension by sharing has immeasurable value. We know that fear which isn’t used appropriately for “fight or flight”has the effect of weakening our immune system, making us more susceptible to the virus and weakens our ability to fight it off if we succumb. Anxiety also prolongs post-viral fatigue. No one enjoys being fearful.

One of the most common questions asked about phobias or anxiety online is “can either be cured?“ The answer is an emphatic, categorical YES.

The most powerful computer system created by man has only 0.02% of the capacity of the human brain, which is also flexible and adaptable. This means you can cure any phobia be it arachnophobia, claustrophobia or even coronaphobia with a little effort. You may need a bit of help from a good therapist. Anxiety is a condition that we do not consciously prepare for. We do it without thinking, like breathing. Nobody wakes up in the morning and says to themselves, “I think I will choose to be anxious today”. A good therapist will have techniques which can gently change unwanted unconscious patterns of behaviour.

If you, or anyone you know suffers from anxiety, there are ways of thinking yourself out of the box.

A good place to start is to think about your current unpleasant situation and ask yourself “what is this preventing me from doing that I really want to do?” This can create a form of FOMO (fear of missing out). On its own this can make you feel regretful so it is important to focus on positive outcomes. Concentrate on the joy and relief you will have when anxiety has gone and you can do everything that fear prevents you from accomplishing. Be a kid again and play “pretend” like you did with dollies, teddies, sticks as swords etc because by pretending good things are possible and happening now, it very soon becomes real in your mind as it did when you were little.

The opposites of fear and anxiety are happiness and love. It is difficult to feel either of these things while in the grip of anxiety. So find things which are fun to do, or which make you laugh. As for love, simply think about any of your loved ones, and allow yourself to feel cradled by the warmth.

If you need help with anxieties or phobias of any kind go to my website jamesjbrittain.com and click on the contact page. Book a free strategy call to discuss the benefits of letting go of unnecessary fear and find out how quickly this can be achieved.