Phobias are defined as irrational fears. Maybe so, but, the feelings of terror, helplessness, isolation, embarrassment, and loss of control are very real. And to the sufferer can be unbearable.
If you have the misfortune of suffering with a phobia, you are not alone. Phobias are the most common type of anxiety disorder. It’s estimated that around 10 million people in the UK have a phobia.
The good news is that everyone who has a phobia, can get rid of it, for ever.
A bold statement you are probably thinking! If this is the case why do people still have phobias?
In my personal experience, I believe there are four answers to this question:
-People are unaware that there is help.
-People are embarrassed to ask for help.
-People are sceptical that they can be helped.
-People don’t actually want to be helped.
What are Phobias?
Phobias are normally a one off learning traced back to one event. Maybe we met a scary dog when we were a child, or an older sibling forced us to watch “Arachnophobia” when we were at a highly impressionable age. So now, when we encounter the thing we are frightened of, we feel the same fear, and can even amplify it. On top of that,we don’t need to physically meet our fear, we can start a phobic reaction by just thinking.
When we feel fear, we produce adrenaline which prepares us to run away, or fight.
The adrenaline causes us to:
- Breathe faster to increase oxygen supply to your muscles.
- Increase heart rate to pump blood quickly round the body.
Slowdown our digestive system.
Increase sweating in order to cool down.
Get butterflies in the stomach.
Become tense.
When we were growing up, we learned our fears with the sole purpose of keeping safe. Say for example a lion walked into your room right now, unless you are a lion tamer, I hope that you would be frightened. The adrenaline reaction enables you to get out quickly! Should you choose to, and I wouldn’t advise it, the adrenaline would also help you to fight the lion, or make friends with it! Fear and anxiety when in the right time and place are very useful, and can indeed save your life
How do we get rid of phobias?
Richard Bandler one of the cofounders of NLP (neurolinguistic programming) described phobias as a Visual kinaesthetic response. By this he meant, as soon as you see what you are frightened of, you immediately get the phobic feeling, The senses of seeing and feeling are linked. Both NLP and hypnotherapy offer powerful techniques to disassociate the visual kinaesthetic response, so that when in future you see what you were once frightened off, you have a totally different and useful feeling.
Some people still have the belief that hypnosis is mumbo jumbo! Hypnosis is in fact a natural state which we all go into every day of our lives, and is merely a different state from the one that you are in right now. Have you ever driven in your car, and reached your destination, and can’t remember the places you have been on the journey? Or attempted to talk to somebody whilst they are fully engrossed watching TV? This is hypnosis. Whilst in this state, our unconscious minds are more susceptible to accept or reject suggestions. This is how advertising works! It is also have a phobia cure would work whilst using hypnotherapy.
NLP is similar to hypnotherapy, however this is done in the waking state, and the client is requested to use the power of visualisation in order to scramble the visual kinaesthetic response associated with their phobia.
Phobias can be cured quickly, often in one session, and in no more than three sessions.
There really is no need to suffer any longer with a debilitating phobia. Give someone you know a gift by sharing this blog.
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Or 07789181244