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At last we can see an end to the effects of this dreadful virus as more and more people get vaccinated. We can look forward to the exhilaration that we will get from hugging loved ones. We can soon enjoy and appreciate the simple pleasures that COVID-19 had stolen from us.

For some of us the mere thought of having an hypodermic needle penetrating our skin has us quaking in our boots. Studies have shown that up to 10% of the population has an extreme fear of injections (known as trypanophobia). Meaning that potentially 10 out of 100 people will not get vaccinated prolonging COVID’s devastation.

The safest and most permanent way to get rid of a phobia is to see a good NLP/hypnotherapist practitioner. The therapist will help the client to make their own changes by using gentle techniques which do not ask you to re-live and re-enact painful memories. The positive effect is both permanent and quick, it takes moments to make the decision to change, there is no need to go through months or years of therapy.

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Covid Vaccination special offer

I am offering you the chance to be free of your fear of vaccinations for the “Lockdown” price of just £45. The normal fee is £120.